Our Mother Earth

A very basic and integral part of Barbequia is a sincere love and respect for our planet and the resources she provides for the continuance of life, as well as the sensory satisfaction and pleasure of all of her creatures.  In recent years we have become more aware of the issues of conservation, ecological responsibility and the simple fact that we can’t continue to take and destroy without regard for the future or the well being of the planet.  While as a society we have made great strides in reversing a lot of the damage we have done through ignorance, indifference and industrial exploitation, there is a long row to hoe and it is important to realize that it is an ongoing process that never ends as long as we inhabit this planet and consume its resources.

 It is also important to realize that we can inhabit the planet, consume its resources and have a good existence as humans in relative harmony with our mother earth, but it requires that we all get on board and do our part to help keep her healthy and clean.  Again, I am not advocating any drastic measures or joining the ranks of those so in need of purpose and devoid of self respect that they cause harm or interfere with the liberty of others through senseless acts of destruction, defiance, terrorism, grand standing or any other drastic measure to force their opinions and beliefs on society through their actions.  These people and groups not only harm the greater cause through their actions by alienating themselves from the masses that they deludedly think they can change, but they operate and lash out in anger and hate which is at best counter-productive.  Barbequia is about closer integration with the bulk of society (not alienation), teaching through quiet example and bold sharing of philosophy while actively doing our part to make a difference.  We cannot stress enough the importance of cultivating a deep-seated love and respect for our Mother Earth through getting to know her through exploration, getting to understand her through study and through reversing or neutralizing the damage to her by doing our part by participating in conservation activities.

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